
For a friend that left early...

Just learn that a friend left us hitted very seriously from a car accident. He passed a way a month ago and i didn't know since yesterday so there aren't much i can do except dedicate to him a release.

Good bye Christos Panos
Hope it's a better place where you are now...


P.S v0.09 is available for d/l.
First games shots

revision 624 shows a bit progress on Tales of Eternia game.

Note: game is stucking after namco screen and doesn't go further yet!

Thumbnails tales1.JPG tales2.JPG
More screenshots

swizzling support and more GE fixes. A few cpu bugs are also fixed and vfpu is improving.

screenies are from nehe ported tutorials. Note they are not the vfpu ones we working hard on make these working :D

Thumbnails nehe1.jpg nehe2.jpg

Just some screenies from revision 547. Both are demos from pspsdk

Thumbnails envmap.jpg skinning.jpg
New Website

This is our new website. Except more updates here soon . Thank's Qwin for his fantastic work on designing and coding this website.

EDIT by Qwin: Thanks for helping me out with designing Pim Smeets.